Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The HST and you

I recently attended a seminar on the new HST at this year's Bridges to Better Business event. The talk, given by a cheerful and helpful Mr. Jeremy Bertrand of the Ontario Ministry of Revenue, was very valuable, hitting many of the key questions we have about the new harmonized sales tax which is replacing the old provincial sale tax (PST).

Mr. Bertrand was kind enough to send me a PDF of his PowerPoint presentation ... and you can download it by right-clicking here.

I will be posting on some key points from that presentation later in this week.

For those of you who would prefer to read it online, here is the same presentation uploaded to ScribD. My thanks go to Mr. Jeremy Bertrand for the Ministry's permission to upload this to the Camberwell House site in furtherance of their goal of educating businesses about the new tax.

Ontario Min Rev HST FINAL 2009 09-Dms

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