Monday, December 14, 2009

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Weighs looks at the HST

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is "an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic environmental justice. Founded in 1980, the CCPA is one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates".

CCPA recently examined the recently-approved Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)and concludes that the "majority of Ontarians won’t be worse off when the [HST] is implemented. Not A Tax Grab After All: A Second Look at Ontario’s HST examines the Ontario government’s HST plan and finds it's virtually revenue neutral when viewed as part of a total tax package that includes increased sales and property tax credits and a significant decrease in personal income tax rates".

To read CCPA's full paper in PDF format you can right-click and download it from here.

Other Camberwell House posts with further information on the HST:
"The HST and you"
"HST Transitional Rules"

1 comment:

David Sanders said...

"HST Facts"

Thanks for your comment. I ask, though, that if you are going to quote or refer to other sources that you please provide links to same.

David Sanders