Friday, February 12, 2010

When can you not fire an employee?

Well, the truth is you can fire any employee at any time for any reason .... if you are willing to pay the price that a court may award that employee for wrongful dismissal or such other cause of action. Most small business naturally don't have that kind of convenience money, and have better things to spend it on even if they did.

One of the better known and well-published labour law lawyers is Mr. Howard Levitt of Lang Michener, LLP.

He recently wrote a Law Note on "Dealing with Malcontents" in the workplace.

In that article he recommends a number of key points that employers "should consider ... before firing staff for subordination"
Is the order lawful? ...
How reasonable is the directive? ...
Is the instruction within the employee’s job functions? ...
Is the order clear? ...
Is it related to a significant issue? ...
Is there a reasonable excuse? ...

The full article is well worth a read.

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